Friday, February 18, 2011

Dory and Lighthouse snow sculpture

My brother in-law and my two nieces created these sculptures for their town winter carnival.



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Monday, February 14, 2011

Snowy Days in Paradise #Newfoundland

Friends asked what the weather was like in Newfoundland and oddly enough it went from absolutly no snow to too much snow in a matter of 1 week. Here are a few pics taken in the past couple of days. I had to build pathways in the bak yard for the dogs to get around.

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Middie the Golden Retriever making good progress

Maddie has been getting steadily better this afternoon. Still only about 75% or 80% but well on the way. She is resting as ususal and spending a little time close time with her sister Sara.

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Scary night for Maddie the Golden Retriever

It was a very scary night last night but things are a little better this morning. Our 11 1/2 year old golden retriever Maddie had what appeared to us to be a seizure or a stroke. Maddie was sleeping and when she woke up she was somewhat alert but lost all control of her limbs. She couldn't stand, wasn't able to roll over and was beside herself.

Of course being who I am, went on the internet and did a quick check of the symptoms and then called the vet. Our absolutely amazing vet advised that it was most likely "idiopathic vestibular syndrome" and we should ride it out over night keeping her safe and come to the office first thing in the morning unless things got worse and if so call her back at any hour.

Maddie and mom and dad had a rough night but come morning things had improved. She still couldn't walk but after several attempts and some help we all went outside so she could relieve herself. While outside she found her legs and had a great improvement. We're still not out of the woods all together as the next 24 to 48 hours will tell the whole story but things are looking up for Maddie the Golden to get to spend at least 1 more summer at the cabin.

Why Twitter is like an Irish Pub

This is from my friend @meetdux. It's a great analogy that I just had to share.

A friend asked this morning how to best explain Twitter to the uninitiated, I responded that a pub is an analogy I use all the time.  I don't want to take credit for this since I came across this explanation awhile ago - sorry but I can't remember where I saw it.

Anyway, let me explain in detail why Twitter is like an Irish Pub

Imagine walking in to a busy Irish Pub for the first time. You can stand still and NOT enjoy the experience since it's quite noisy and crowded. People are shouting, laughing, arguing, crying, singing and maybe just drinking. You can try and aimlessly walk around and listen in to conversations people are having, but being a first timer to an Irish pub, you might not know how you should be interacting with others.

When I joined Twitter, I didn't find any value in listening in to the 'noise' and aimlessly adding followers to jack up my friend count (in hopes that they'll follow me back). My initial interaction with complete strangers were superficial and irrelevant.

Then I started to listen to conversations of people I know

Even if your first experience at the pub was not ideal, you come back the week after. You walk around and listen in to conversations of people you know of: celebrities, politicians, educators, geeks, heros, athletes and even posers & wannabes. Now it gets interesting - what you're hearing is less noise and increasingly becoming relevant. A month after I joined Twitter, I scrubbed through the list of people I follow and kept only those that are relevant and interesting to me.

Promote, facilitate and engage in meaningful conversations

On your third visit to the pub, you start to hang out with group(s) of people you're interested in and engage in meaningful conversations. You ask questions, make fun of others, stir controversy, immediately answer queries and participate in friendly debates. You're having fun now and enjoying your time at the bar (and it's only your second round of Guinness on tap)!

I started to find real value in Twitter once I engaged in meaningful conversations with people. I've met a lot of great people and as a result, was able to easily connect with them once I meet them in real life. I highly recommend to get Twitter client tools to better facilitate this other than relying on the Twitter website.

Talk to people directly

Now that you're enjoying the Irish Pub experience, you are quite comfortable in having a private, one on one conversation with people you hang out with. With Twitter, that's called direct message. Keep in mind that you can only direct message people that follow you. In addition, DMing is great for short private messages since Twitter has a 140 character limit for each tweet. It's still not a replacement for e-mail or even better, a phone call.

Feel free to send this post to your friends who are Twitter newbies. Enjoy!

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